This is my month. #50!!
Nov. 2, spent the day to self and then with my Lunachix team.
Nov. 8/9, off to Windsor/Healdsburg with friends from CCC.
Solvang TNT Kick off is this weekend as well.
Took my fixie on her first maiden voyage this past Thurs. What a different concept: constant pedaling and have to use your legs to stop and plan more so.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Susie's Latest Adventures
Sept., I took more time off the bike for recovery and preparations for Rick/Susie's big day.
Oct., starting my base training for the 09 Triple Crown.
Oct., starting my base training for the 09 Triple Crown.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sept. 9, 2009: Lance Armstrong is to return to the TdF
Press Release: Associated Press
AUSTIN, Texas: September 9, 2008
Today, Lance Armstrong, cancer survivor, founder and chairman of the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) and cycling champion, released the following statement regarding his return to professional sports:
"I am happy to announce that after talking with my children, my family and my closest friends, I have decided to return to professional cycling in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden. This year alone, nearly eight million people will die of cancer worldwide. Millions more will suffer in isolation, victims not only of the disease but of social stigma. After the passage of Proposition 15 in Texas, a $3 billion investment in the fight against cancer which is helping to make this disease part of the national dialogue in America, it's now time to address cancer on a global level."
Mr. Armstrong will discuss his cycling program and an international LIVESTRONGTM strategy on September 24th in New York City at the Clinton Global Initiative. A video statement by Mr. Armstrong is available at
About the Lance Armstrong Foundation
The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) unites people through programs and experiences to empower cancer survivors to live life on their own terms and to raise awareness and funds for the fight against cancer. The LAF focuses on cancer prevention, access to screening and care, research and quality of life for cancer survivors. Founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, the LAF has raised more than $260 million for the fight against cancer. Join 60 million LIVESTRONG wristband wearers and help make cancer a national priority. Unite and fight cancer at
AUSTIN, Texas: September 9, 2008
Today, Lance Armstrong, cancer survivor, founder and chairman of the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) and cycling champion, released the following statement regarding his return to professional sports:
"I am happy to announce that after talking with my children, my family and my closest friends, I have decided to return to professional cycling in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden. This year alone, nearly eight million people will die of cancer worldwide. Millions more will suffer in isolation, victims not only of the disease but of social stigma. After the passage of Proposition 15 in Texas, a $3 billion investment in the fight against cancer which is helping to make this disease part of the national dialogue in America, it's now time to address cancer on a global level."
Mr. Armstrong will discuss his cycling program and an international LIVESTRONGTM strategy on September 24th in New York City at the Clinton Global Initiative. A video statement by Mr. Armstrong is available at
About the Lance Armstrong Foundation
The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) unites people through programs and experiences to empower cancer survivors to live life on their own terms and to raise awareness and funds for the fight against cancer. The LAF focuses on cancer prevention, access to screening and care, research and quality of life for cancer survivors. Founded in 1997 by cancer survivor and champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, the LAF has raised more than $260 million for the fight against cancer. Join 60 million LIVESTRONG wristband wearers and help make cancer a national priority. Unite and fight cancer at
Sunday, September 7, 2008
SEPT: initiating my Wenzel Coaching for Doubles Training
Sept. a month to rest, build a base, and return to gym for strength training. My goal is to obtain the Triple Crown once again for 09. The added challenge would be a difficult double: one with over 12,000 feet of climbing.
This weekend (09/06-07/2008): power, standing intervals; basic spin with high cadence.
This weekend (09/06-07/2008): power, standing intervals; basic spin with high cadence.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Our First Tandem Experience, Sept. 1, 2008
Today, Ricky Bobby and I joined our friends Carolyn/Collin, Eva and Michael and their friends. We did 15 miles of flats and then, climbed an additional 8 miles on Fairmont Hill and descending. We had a good time. All went well; I just to need feel comfortable in descending. We are going to attempt the tandem on the Solvang route with CCC friends in Oct.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
For AUG. 2008
This month, I have been a weekend warrior. I hosted the training series rides for Bike Against the Odds for the Lunachix team.
Our event was Aug. 23rd. I manned the reststop with my first coach, Denise Primrose. I met Jim Collier, the originator of the event. Also, exciting to meet Tyler who is a Lunachix Pro.
Our event was Aug. 23rd. I manned the reststop with my first coach, Denise Primrose. I met Jim Collier, the originator of the event. Also, exciting to meet Tyler who is a Lunachix Pro.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Sat. ride with Lunachix, Aug. 2, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
DEATHRIDE: July 12, 2008
Rick and I spent the week in the Sierras for altitude acclimation and preparation for the infamous Tour of the Ca. Alps.
Rick successfully completed 5 passes; I did 4.5 passes. I did make the cut-off time! Please enjoy the slideshow. I was blessed with so many TNT, non-TNT friends as well as strangers while on the bike. Ride time was 14 hrs. Highlights: cycling in various weather patterns: night time, cool weather, hot/sunny, rain, thunder/lightening and hail on the descent of front side of Ebbits and enroute to Carson Pass. Despite the weather, made the cut off times.
Thank you to all my supporters for this adventure in my cycling storybook.
My new nickname from my TNT peers and coaches: Steadfast Susie
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Recovery Week/Weekend 06/28/08
I started my holiday from work, Fri. 06/20. Yahoo. I have been fortunate to spend time at Windsor, DisneyLand, and the send-off for our Deathride Team Endurance. Tomorrow, Ricky bobby and I head to the Sierra's for a week of altitude and recovery rides before the July 12th event.
Thank you one and all for your support.
Thank you one and all for your support.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Weekend riding: 06.28-29.08
Sat.: was one of two taper rides scheduled. We were to originally cycle the Del Puerto Canyon. However, due to Ca. fires and smoke, we rode on the Peninsula. Fab 5's cycled with Coach Greg. We did the Up enough route plus additional miles/climbing. Our team wanted more hills and Coach Greg was game. We had a grand time: Shelly, Grace, Gord man, Gregg and myself. Highlight for me was pacelining with Coach Sasha and the Number 1 team on Foothill and sprinting to the finish.
Sun.: Rick and I joined Cherry City Cyclists and cycled Windsor/Santa Rosa. Before the ride, we went to see the dawn shop of the hot air balloons. They were not able to launch due to smoke/fog conditions. Grand weekend with friends: cycle, eat/drink and merry.
Sat. stats: 79 miles; 8000 feet of climing. Sun stats: 55 miles and 2000 feet of climbing.
Vertical Challenge: 06.21.08; 111 miles, 11,000ft.
This was by far my most difficult ride of 2008. It gave me a newfound appreciation for those cyclists that rode the DMD and Davis Double with the heat factor component as well. We cycled the back side of Mt. Hamilton (temps as high as 115 degrees) and Sierra Rd. My first for Sierra Rd. Kim told us about the 3 staircase levels:she was right plus some. The back side of Mt. Hamilton is my mental anguish and it won again. With friends support, I was able to complete this ride. The views were incredible; mother nature did not disappoint: sun, heat, thunder/lightening, fires, and some rain. My highlights: finishing this ride; the support of Fab 5's, Kim Collier, and Cherry City Cyclists. The most rewarding memory: sag stop on top of Sierra Rd.: we soaked our feet in cold ice. It was our longest century: 12 hr. total time.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Peninsula Century: June 14th
Rick and I met with some members of our DeathRide team for another endurance training. With input, we came up with a beautilful challenging ride. We started in Los Altos, climbed PageMill, thru Old La Honda, climbed Pescadero, Stage Rd, Losbitos Creek, Tunitus, Jefferson and return via Alameda. Our stats: 94 miles and 8900 feet. Highlights: we were never alone;each cyclist had a buddy. Then, we were unofficially on the Pescadero Stage Race. My inspiration: sucking the Morgan Stanley wheels as descending Haskins Road. It was amazzing speed. The male racers were friendlier than the ladies. We has had the pleasure of seeing Mike Cox as a referree on a motorcycle. Mike Cox is an awesome coach and TNT alumni. The Downside of the ride, KSue's wheel blew 3 miles from finish.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Altitude Weekend, June 7-8, 08
Another grand weekend in the Sierra's. This time, I had the company of my fellow Deathride Endurance Teammates. Sat., we cycled the front/back side of Ebbit's. 55 miles and 6100 feet. My only complaint was nausea at the peak, 8790 feet elevation. I had the pleasure of riding with one of my triple crown teammates, Sara Burke. Sun., our team cycled the front side of Monitor and to Woodfords out/back: 44 miles and about 4100 feet of climbing. We had sunny weather temps of 70's. A number of us opted for the Creekside Lodging vs. the camp/tent scenario. What can I say: I can be a princess. Please enjoy the views of the Passes especially the back side of Hemit Valley and Pacific Grade.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Another blessed weekend in the Sierra's, May 31/June 1
Rick and I had the great opportunity to cycle with some of our TNT Endurance DeathRide teammates this past weekend. It was a first for some. Sat., we started the day climbing Carson. Then, Susie and Kim thought: lets do Blue Lake. I was told that this was a recovery route: wrong. My friends must have been TNT coaches in the past. It was a 12 mile climb but then, you had 12 mile descending: great road, minimal traffic and beautiful views. Sun., some of our commrades cycled Lake Tahoe and others chose to do the front side and/or the back side of Ebbits. The views were incredible. I know my friend Sue B was with me enjoying the views of mother nature at its best.
This coming weekend is Altitude camp with our entire Endurance Deathride team. More joyous times to come.
It is hard to believe only 39 days till the Big Event Day.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day weekend in Markleeville, Ca: 5/2008
Rick and I were in a quandry about whether to go to Markleeville for elevation/cycle training. Sue B. Mumford passed away Fri. at 1130, May 23rd in her sleep. With the weather predictions being rain all over, we decided to go away for a mini vacation. We left Sat. morning, enroute rain/snow as we drove further into the Sierra's. Post Carson Pass, dry weather: no signs of moisture. We opted to check out Lake Tahoe. After exploring and hiking the Emerald Bay area, we ate at a locale restruant. The locales said weather is unbelievable. Ebbits Pass closed once again. Sun., we cycled from Woodfords Inn to the top of Monitor Pass. Our plan was to do both sides but as we were climbing the front side, we cycled in snow. It was magical with the large snow flakes. Once we arrived at the top, we decided to return to the hotel as we were freezing. Later that day, we drove the back side of Monitor. I wanted to get a mental imagery again of what needs to be accomplished and the front of Ebbits to the closure part. We spent time at Wolf Creek Bar/Restaurant and then, driving thru the Nevada valley. Today, we bailed on riding as so cold, raining and wanted to beat the traffic home.
Enjoy the slide show.
Enjoy the slide show.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Big Basin: 110 miles and 11,000 feet
Unfortunately, I missed this team ride due to Illness. This is my first to have been so sick with the GI bug or food poisoning. I was able to do an hour spin in the AM and an hour spin in the PM. This gives me a new appreciation of what our honorees have been thru with illness. I was there in spirit but not physical stamina.
So, this week focused on intervals, spinning and weight training.
So, this week focused on intervals, spinning and weight training.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tour of the Unknown Coast, May
12 members from the Deathride Team decided to do our buddyride in Humboldt County. It is a 5 hr. drive from the Peninsula to the beautiful Redwoods of Ferndale/Fortuna/Avenue of the Giant. This year was not as windy: only 15-20 mph vs. 40-50 mph vs in 2007.
All of the members of the Fab 5 attended. Shelly and Kimberly did the metric version as one was recovering from a bike accident and the other from bronchitis. The remaining three tackled the century. Nancy was great in that she kept Grace and I entertained with her sheriff stories while climbing Panther Gap. Most inspirational moments for me: descending towards the ocean; watching Nancy and Grace climb the wall like it was nothing; the fog along the endless hills so it did not look so bad; and the kindness bestowed to us by the community especially at the general store for our caffeine buzz. Along the route, I met cycling commrades from Tracy, Cherry city, and friends of friends who knew me. In all that day: we cycled 100 miles and 10,000 feet of climbing. Please enjoy the slide shows for the views are incredible.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Taste of the Devil: May 2, 2008
Team Ride #9 with our Endurance TNT Team. This day, we cycled 108 miles and 9600 feet of climbing.
This was a tough ride more mentally/emotionally. The week of April 25th we went Go-Live with our Software for the facility to be on Electronic Medical Charting. I have been working 12 hr. shifts with mandated OT and walking rounds. Susie legs are tired. Also, my honoree is fighting a very tough battle. Sue and Bob have made the decision: no further treatments for her cancer. They are allowing the higher power take its course. On top of that, fighting GI bug being a virus or stress.
At the start of the climb of Mt. Diablo, I had a meltdown. Coach Greg was wonderful and allowed me to share my issues. With his motivation and support, I did complete the ride. The views were incredible and the comaraderie of my teammates were fantastic.
The Team is what it is about.
Special thanks to my fab 5 and dream team as well as Alex(team number 1) and coach Greg, Kim, and Jacqui. The hardest climb for me was the false summit on Patterson. I had some words in my head for my friend KSue.(She thought Patterson was not difficult....uhm).
Overall, a great sense of accomplishment. Besides physical endurance, one needs mental endurance.
Our Honoree Grace, accomplished this ride as well. She deserves kudos.
Again, thank you all for your support.
This was a tough ride more mentally/emotionally. The week of April 25th we went Go-Live with our Software for the facility to be on Electronic Medical Charting. I have been working 12 hr. shifts with mandated OT and walking rounds. Susie legs are tired. Also, my honoree is fighting a very tough battle. Sue and Bob have made the decision: no further treatments for her cancer. They are allowing the higher power take its course. On top of that, fighting GI bug being a virus or stress.
At the start of the climb of Mt. Diablo, I had a meltdown. Coach Greg was wonderful and allowed me to share my issues. With his motivation and support, I did complete the ride. The views were incredible and the comaraderie of my teammates were fantastic.
The Team is what it is about.
Special thanks to my fab 5 and dream team as well as Alex(team number 1) and coach Greg, Kim, and Jacqui. The hardest climb for me was the false summit on Patterson. I had some words in my head for my friend KSue.(She thought Patterson was not difficult....uhm).
Overall, a great sense of accomplishment. Besides physical endurance, one needs mental endurance.
Our Honoree Grace, accomplished this ride as well. She deserves kudos.
Again, thank you all for your support.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Booneydoon Buddy ride, April 27th
Rick and I joined our friends from Cherry City Cyclists for the annual Booneydoon ride. We utilized this route for our Deathride training as it was a buddyride weekend. We decided to skip the Marin opt and join our friends for Santa Cruz. Again, this was a great route and thus far, my most difficult. I made the mistake ( I know better) did not refuel properly.
We met at Arastradero in Los Altos. Our route was 118 miles and 10,000 feet of climbing. We cycled thru Los Altos Hills and climbed the remainder of Page Mill. I left the gang early at the start to get a head of the fasties. The first 5 miles the hardest as no great warm up for the climbing and my legs still felt tired from last weekend. I was psyched when I finished climbing Page Mill and joined with Eva/Micheal and Tina at Sag 1. Again, I left the group to stay ahead plus I do not like long breaks. We continued on Skyline North to rt. 84 and descended Old La Honda to Pescadero climb. Again, head of gang, good I am making good time mentally. I stopped at Sag 2 for a cold 7-Up. From this point, I had the opportunity to ride with Mike Melville who is cycling for his triple crown, Eva, Michael and Tina. We regrouped with the whole gang of 12 at Gazo Creek and Hwy 1. This was grand: 25 miles tailwind on US 1 towards Santa Cruz. The fasties met me at Santa Cruz which was good as meandering thru Santa Cruz traffic can be challenging. Cheryl, our sag goddess, had lunch waiting for us at the Park. After 15 min., I took off from the group. I knew the hardest climbing was ahead. I made the mistake thinking of sucking on sports drink alone would suffice me. I had no interest in food as hot hot. Why I did not use my hammer gel until too late? Not right. Mt. Charlie was easier this year. My difficult part was Skyline: 10 miles of rollers and my legs were not cooperating. Rick pulled me and I opted to sag at mile 97. I felt aok as I made it farther this year than last. Rick made the statement, I am use to you leaving me at the end. Ugh...bastard... but true for 07. Yes, I am disappointed in myself for not finishing and not fueling but loved the climbs. See what 09 brings.
Next weekend: cycling the Taste of the Devil. This is in the East Bay and part of Devil Mountain Double (200 miles and 22,000 feet of climbing).
We met at Arastradero in Los Altos. Our route was 118 miles and 10,000 feet of climbing. We cycled thru Los Altos Hills and climbed the remainder of Page Mill. I left the gang early at the start to get a head of the fasties. The first 5 miles the hardest as no great warm up for the climbing and my legs still felt tired from last weekend. I was psyched when I finished climbing Page Mill and joined with Eva/Micheal and Tina at Sag 1. Again, I left the group to stay ahead plus I do not like long breaks. We continued on Skyline North to rt. 84 and descended Old La Honda to Pescadero climb. Again, head of gang, good I am making good time mentally. I stopped at Sag 2 for a cold 7-Up. From this point, I had the opportunity to ride with Mike Melville who is cycling for his triple crown, Eva, Michael and Tina. We regrouped with the whole gang of 12 at Gazo Creek and Hwy 1. This was grand: 25 miles tailwind on US 1 towards Santa Cruz. The fasties met me at Santa Cruz which was good as meandering thru Santa Cruz traffic can be challenging. Cheryl, our sag goddess, had lunch waiting for us at the Park. After 15 min., I took off from the group. I knew the hardest climbing was ahead. I made the mistake thinking of sucking on sports drink alone would suffice me. I had no interest in food as hot hot. Why I did not use my hammer gel until too late? Not right. Mt. Charlie was easier this year. My difficult part was Skyline: 10 miles of rollers and my legs were not cooperating. Rick pulled me and I opted to sag at mile 97. I felt aok as I made it farther this year than last. Rick made the statement, I am use to you leaving me at the end. Ugh...bastard... but true for 07. Yes, I am disappointed in myself for not finishing and not fueling but loved the climbs. See what 09 brings.
Next weekend: cycling the Taste of the Devil. This is in the East Bay and part of Devil Mountain Double (200 miles and 22,000 feet of climbing).
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Terrible 2 and Geyers: April 19th weekend
Another first for me as far as cycling in Sonoma, Cloverdale, and Santa Rosa. For our Deathride training, we did a section of the Terrible Two Double (mile 90-198) portion. How exciting to start climbing less than a 1/2 mile from our starting point. There were times that we were climbing at a rate of 200-300 feet per mile. However, with the great ride company, sunrise, and the beautiful views, it did not seem horrible. The hardest climb was the third: mile 51-53.4: 18-22% grade. Ugh.... so glad we did this route. Highlights for me, redwoods, ocean views, tackling the climbs, and riding with the Fab 5's. I had the privilege to ride with Grace, a year post chemo. She never gave up. We did a total of 11354 feet of climbing in 108 miles.
Sun., we were to do the Geysers: 43 miles and 4000 feet. My legs did not have the energy. So, KSue, Rick and myself improvised and met our group on the other side of Geysers. 41 miles and 2300 feet of climbing. No complaints from me. By far, this has been my fav. training route.
This coming weekend, we will be joining Cheryl and Rick for our Booneydoon: 130 miles and 12,000 feet of climbing.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Marin YOYO ride, April 5
I have included photos from my cycling commrades Kimberly Wolf ( who I coached for in the past with TNT) and Rich Solis, aka, Rice Man(from Deathride Training days and TNT days). This particular weekend, we were charged with riding on our own.The goal was 70's miles and 7500 feet of climbing. My Dream Team, the team that I am assigned too, wanted to do a Marin Ride. So, I offered to create the route. My first route did not have enough miles nor elevation per Head Coach, Jacqui. Bumpster came up with a more creative one with the input of my friend Gil. The route was approved and we made the debut. Some of the roads were new to me. Sat. came and 25 inspired cyclists were ready to accomplish the Marin Hills. It was sunny and cool. We did not hit headwinds until Hwy 1. We rolled from the Center of Fairfax; we started immediately climbing Fairfax-Bolinas Rd. This brought us to the top before the glorious descent to the dam. Then, we climbed up to Ridgecrest. Next, we had to conquer the 7 sisters (or bitches in cycling community). Then, onward to the Eastern Ridgecrest of Mt. Tam: glorious views of San Francisco and Golden Gate Bridge. Next descent to Pan Toll and down Panaramic Hwy. Spectaculer ocean views of Stinson Beach. The first 21 miles, we already tackled 4200 feet of climbing. Next challenge were the rollers on Hwy 1 to Pt. Reyes. Upon arrival, glorious site: surprise sag by our own Dream team members: KSue and Sue. We were treated to wonderful healthy treats. I made the announcement that I made a mistake and we were going to have more miles and more climbing. However, our coaches would be proud. We continued north for 10 miles before the infamous Marshall Wall. We had two short climbs of 21%. The reward: great descent among the cows and farmlands. Next, we headed to the Cheesefactory and the town of Nicasio. From there, we continued southbound and did 2 additional climbs. The finish was a descent into the town of Fairfax. This was a great beautiful and challenging ride: 82.4 miles and 9300 feet of climbing. Watch out Markleeville. I have now officially earned the name of Sadistic Sue.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
18 Hills of the East Bay, 03/30/08
I was able to leap frog with my team this past Sat. The Dream Team is one of 5 teams of the TNT Deathride. Each weekend, our rides are longer in miles and more difficult in terrain. We cycled 72 miles and conquered 7000 feet of elevation. Besides the miles and terrain, we tackled mother nature: cloudy cool weather, misty/rain, dense fog, and sunshine. We had awesome sag supports. My favorite was Chris Robinson bicycle shop who served us expresso. His father is fighting cancer and we had the privilege to meet him at the store. It was grand to see his smiling face and cheering us on. I felt good on this ride and enjoyed the conversations of my teammates. Kim was our coach for the day: watch our pace, power on the hills by using harder gears, focus on heartrate, focus on fueling, focus on team vs. solo, and have fun.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My Easter Weekend of Riding
Sat., March 22: Deathride Training: Oakland Hills
We traversed 52 miles and 4900 feet of climbing. My highlights was to cycle a new hill that I have not done: Snake Rd. The object for today's training: we had 5 hills to cycle. First climb: Pinehurst towards Skyline in an easy gear. This is one of my fav climbs due to the redwoods and seeing the green hills in the distance. Then, we continued on Skyline towards Snake Rd. We: was the Tres Suzettes (KSue, Sue, and Susie), this was an awesome descent. I kept reminding myself that I had to climb this. We then, headed towards Berkeley. Hill number 2 was to be in our Endurance Heart Rate zone. This is one of my fav. climbs, steady grade with views of homes that I wonder how they stay on the hillside. The views towards the city and marin: gorgeous clear day. My highlight was to meet Dale on the climb. Dale and I know each other from Doubles days and TNT. The Suzettes then, headed down Shephard's canyon. A great straight away descent. Oh La La. Then, we had to do climb back up Snake Rd. in a power mode: i.e. climb this hill in a hard gear until your legs burn and then switch to an easier gear. Oh My. Now, why am I doing this? It was a great sense of accomplishment. We then, headed onto Skyline towards Redwood Rd. It was grand to see the cyclists training for the AID's ride for June. Also, saw friends from Grizzley Peak and Oakland Yellow Jackets. Next, we descended Redwood Rd. once again among the Redwoods. Then, the climb to the park in our endurance zone. About a mile from the park, I was feeling it in my legs and realized that I did not eat enough. Refueled at the stop with lots of healthy treats: Kim and Jacqui approved foods. Then, got my legs a going once again and headed back towards Moraga. We took Redwood Rd. back to Pinehurst. Pinehurst was the last climb of the day. This climb was once again a power zone. Ok: legs, you can do it. My inspiration: seeing the Rock Racking kit cyclist zooming by me on Pinehurst. I muttered out loud, he makes it looks so easy. A male cyclist passed me and said he should make it easy as he does this for a living. KSue informed me that it was Freddie Rodriques, Pro Cyclist, on the Rock Racking Team. My sense of excitement renewed. Then, I descended Pinehurst and recognized a luna chix team mate. I also belong to the team Luna Chix. The Suzettes, then, had a nice flat finish with some rollers and bilivits to the finish. What a mental boost to beat team 2 in. What a grand day. I felt good and strong. Post ride, we went to teammates Alex and Gloria's home for a potluck. It was good to meet our honorees and check on their progress. Our newest representative is Emanuel, 10 years old, and he was diagnosed with leukemia June 2007. He is tolerating chemo and maintaining his school attendance. He has the grandest smile. Then, Jim Pixton updated us on his family status. Followed by Chris and his 23 year celebration from Hodgkin's and 5 year survival from Testicular Cancer. So, when you thinking that you are having a bad day, just think: you have your health.
Today: Easter Sun. March 23rd, There were 9 of us that did a recovery ride. We cycled 52 miles and about 3100 feet of climbing. We cycled the East Bay Calaveras. Friends from TNT Solvang, TNT Deathride, and Cherry City Bike club. By the end of the ride, I was tired. I had the pleasure of an awesome 2 hr. nap at home.
Again, thank you all for supporting my cause and raising funds for the cure of blood cancers.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Point Reyes Lighthouse
My first to travel to Point Reyes Lighthouse in Marin County. We had incredible views, sunny cool day with crosswinds and the enjoyment of conquering the hills and rollers. I have included views of the coastline as we are climbing; happy cows; and myself and commrade Nancy. We cycled 62 miles and 5000 feet of climbing.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Solvang Century, March 8, 2008
I had the privilege to coach Team Estrogen of the Winter TNT team Solvang. Our team consisted of 9 females and 2 males. We had a glorious time. We started in foggy cool weather (40's) from town and quickly became immersed in vineyards. We then, traversed thru suburban areas and then,cycled into the interior among vineyards and agricultural terrains. It warmed up to the 70's and became a sunny balmy day. The best was descending into Solvang after some glorious climbs in the last 40 miles. Our team cycled among 4000 cyclists from all over for 102 miles and 5500 feet of climbing. One noted highlight: Toyota United Pro Team cycled this event and our team had requests to be photographed for their website while we took a break around mile 68. The above photo is the entire Solvang Team for TNT.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Traversing Solvang
Rick and I are heading towards Solvang this weekend with our teammates of Solvang TNT. (My TEAM ESTROGEN) We are ready. As we are cycling the climbs in Solvang, I will be thinking of my Deathride Teammates this Sat. Their training ride is Mt. Diablo., the greatest mountain of the East Bay. Solvang's event is 100 miles and about 5000 feet of climbing. Deathride's training is . Diablo is 55 miles and 4000 feet of climbing.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
March 1 and 2 training rides

To my friends and family,
Thank you for your support.
Sat.: I rode with my Solvang Team and we did our taper ride: 35 miles and about 2000 feet of climbing in the East Bay. My team is known as Team Estrogen. We have one token male and his name is Toks. He is superb as he puts up with all our hormonal surges, our stories of personal nature, and the chitty chat that we females do. It was cloudy and cool but such an inspiration to see how far my team has come from first time on the bike to doing a full century the following week: Solvang, March 08.
The picture that I am posting is Sheryl (in the blue). She is a survivor from Hodgkin's. She is cycling her first century. What is amazing is that this woman is functioning with one lung due to her treatments. So, when we are struggling, think of her accomplishments.
Sun.: I had the opportunity to do my DeathRide training with some friends. I planned the route and it was harder than I remember. However, the views from 7 Sisters were incredible: clear views to the Fallon Islands in the Pacific Ocean to the west, Golden Gate to the south, Diablo Mountain to the East and to the north, gorgeous green hills. We dealt with 12-20 mph winds.
We cycled 35 miles and 4000 feet of elevation!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Marin TNT training ride: 68 miles, 5000 feet of climbing
We started with cloudy cool weather. By mile 45 and to finish, downpour with 20-30 mph winds. We still had fun.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Climbing Palomares: First climb of our 55 mile and 4000 feet of climbing
2 of our Honorees
From the words of our Team Honoree Captain: KSue Duncan LeukemiaLeukemia is the general term used to describe four different disease-types called: · Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) · Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) · Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) · Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) The terms lymphocytic or lymphoblastic indicate that the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that forms lymphocytes. The terms myelogenous or myeloid indicate that the cell change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form red cells, some types of white cells, and platelets. Acute lymphocytic leukemia and acute myelogenous leukemia are each composed of blast cells, known as lymphoblasts or myeloblasts. Acute leukemias progress rapidly without treatment. Chronic leukemias have few or no blast cells. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia usually progress slowly compared to acute leukemias. People can get leukemia at any age. · In 2007, about 40,440 adults and 3,800 children were expected to develop leukemia · It is most common in people over age 60 · The most common types in adults are AML and CLL · ALL is the most common form of leukemia in children. Chronic Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) When a child has leukemia, the bone marrow, for an unknown reason, begins to make white blood cells that do not mature correctly, but continue to reproduce themselves. Normal, healthy cells only reproduce when there is enough space for them to fit. The body can regulate the production of cells by sending signals when to stop. With leukemia, these cells do not respond to the signals to stop and reproduce, regardless of space available. These abnormal cells reproduce very quickly and do not function as healthy white blood cells to help fight infection. When the immature white blood cells, called blasts, begin to crowd out other healthy cells in the bone marrow, the child experiences the symptoms of leukemia (i.e., infections, anemia, bleeding). JMML is, in some ways, similar to chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), an uncommon leukemia in children. JMML is a leukemia in which the normal bone marrow production of cells becomes very disregulated. A preponderance of immature monoocytes, a type of white blood cell, are produced in the marrow. The marrow continues to produce these abnormal cells, which crowd out other healthy blood cells. JMML generally cause a more severe disruption in blood counts early in the disease than CML, and is not as responsive to treatment. The symptoms associated with juvenile myelomoncytic leukemia can occur over a period of weeks to months. Lymphomas· About 63,190 new cases of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) will occur this year in the United States · About 71,380 people in the United States will be diagnosed with lymphoma this year · As of 2007, an estimated 544,266 people were living with lymphoma (active disease or in remission). Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) are the two main types. Most people with lymphoma have one of many different kinds of NHL. About 11.5 percent of people with lymphoma have Hodgkin lymphoma. Lymphoma is the name for a group of blood cancers that start in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the body's immune system - the body's defense against infection. The marrow andlymphocytes are part of the immune system. Some other parts of the immune system are the lymph nodes, the lymphatic vessels, which connect the lymph nodes and contain lymph (a liquid that carries lymphocytes), and the spleen. Lymphomas generally start in lymph nodes or lymphatic tissue in sites of the body such as the stomach or intestines. Lymphomas may involve the marrow and the blood in some cases. For more information go Thank you all for doing what you are doing – you are making a big difference in many peoples’ lives. GO TEAM!! |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Yesterday, I cycled with my Team Estrogen of the Solvang Team in Training. I am still continuing with my role of coaching for Solvang while incorporating my DeathRide regimen. Please note the photos of our journey. We conquered 62 miles and 3943 feet of elevation. It was a sunny 60's degree with gorgeous views of the ocean along the coast before the interior of the Redwoods, farmlands, and entering the stop of San Gregorio.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Performance Testing Composition
My nutritionist/coach made arrangements for a performance testing composition. It was a two hour test: spinning on the bike, maintaining a cadence over 90 and cycling with harder gears. From this performance and blood samples of lactic acid, one can establish body composition, heart rate zones and power. I was able to see what my numbers are now, what they would like 20 pounds lighter. I am prime for baseline to tackle on the endurance for Deathride. When I am not with the team, I will be focusing on medium endurance, weight training and the Deathride diet.
Connecting to the Cause
Understanding Myeloma:
- About 19,900 Americans will be diagnosed with myeloma this year
- About 60, 424 people in the U.S. are living with myeloma
- Most people with myeloma are age 50 and older
- Americans of African descent are diagnosed with myeloma approximately twice as often as Americans of European descent.
- People of Asian and Hispanic descent have lower rates of myeloma than other cultural groups.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
EVENT DAY July 12, 2008: Tour of the California Alps, aka Deathride
Friday, February 1, 2008
Below sea level to 8900 feet above sea level: Ebbit's Pass, Markleeville, CA
2/2: Sort it out: 25 miles 1200 feet of climbing
2/9: House of Pain: 50 miles 1400 feet
2/16: Palomares Norris: 54 miles 3500 feet
2/23: Buddy ride: 55 miles 4000 feet
3/8: Devil's Junction: 55 miles 4000 feet
3/15: Buddy ride: 60 miles 5000 feet
3/22: Pinehurst: 65 miles 5000 feet
3/29: 18 Hill climb: 75 miles 6000 feet
4/5: YoYO: 70 miles 6000 feet
4/12: Upenef: 80 miles 7000 feet
4/19: Taste of Terrible Two: 105 miles 10,000 feet
4/26: Buddyride: 95 miles 8000 feet
5/3: Taste of the Devil: 108 miles 9000 feet
5/10: Tour of the Unknown Coast: 10,000 feet
5/17: Big Basin: 110 miles 10,000 feet
5/24: YOYO: 75 miles 7500 feet
5/31: Buddyride: 100 miles 10,000 feet
6/6-6/8: Altitude Camp Markleeville
6/11: Mt. Diablo Repeats: minimum of 3 passes
6/14: YOYO: 75 miles 7500 feet
6/21: Vertical Challenge: 101 miles 11,000 feet
6/28: Del Puerto Canyon: 105 miles 6000 feet
7/5: Taper Ride 5000 feet
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Cross training
Since Kick-off, I have started my training during the week: 2 sessions of weight training(one session is legs and core) and the other(chest, back, core); intervals; and my first class of Vinyasa Yoga. It is harder to get up in the morning as I prefer am work outs so, I am trying post work training. This Sat. is our first training with DeathRide. We will be having mini clinics regarding cycling skills before our 25 mile ride of 1250 feet of elevation. Then, Sunday, I will cycling 1-2 hrs. at endurance pace.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
TNT Kickoff at the San Francisco Marriot
Today, my Solvang TNT ride was canceled. So, I was able to attend with Rick the official Spring Season Team in Training. The sports for this season are triathlons, marathons, walkers, hikers, and cyclists. We met our coaches:
Jacqui Crist: who is an experienced endurance cyclists: deathride, triple crown, RAMM, Triple bypass etc.
Mike Gifford: who is has the same qualifications
Kim Collier: sports nutritionist, USA cycling coach, and a racer
Sascha Messner: pro cyclist for the European team and endurance cyclist. Love his accent
We have two honorees cycling with us Adrian and Grace who are both in remission!
Our team has 5 mentors: Janet, Alex, Amy, Greg, and Peg. Our Honoree Captain is KSue, Community Captain is Steve, Web Captain is Dale and Sag Captain is Sherri. Our team manager is Merla.
I am very excited to see 35 participating members that is committed fundraisers for the Society. A majority of us are TNT alumni's and I am looking forward to riding with my friends from the past and hope to meet/make new friends.
Our training calendar for scheduled training rides will be 1904 + miles and 148,100 feet of total elevation. Watch out Markeleeville!
Thank you all who has donated to my cause. Please note the link above my picture if you would like to make a contribution to my cause.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Kick-Off for Spring Season of Team in Training
Tomorrow, 01/26/08, is our Kick-Off for the Spring Season for Team in Training. Some of my friends are cycling Seattle to Portland, some will be cycling Tahoe, and some will be cycling DeathRide. I even persuaded Ricky Bobby to train for DeathRide with Team in Training as third attempt is a charm.
If you can not cycle with us, how about raising funds to help find a cure. I have been affiliated with Team in Training for 8 years. I am proud to be with the Society in making a difference to find a cure for Cancer. Please assist me in my endeavor. Any amount and/or well wishes is very much appreciated. My site is
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